IET Digital Library: Quantum control theory and applications: a survey

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IET Digital Library: Quantum control theory and applications: a survey

2023-02-22 16:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

This study presents a survey on quantum control theory and applications from a control systems perspective. Some of the basic concepts and main developments (including open-loop control and closed-loop control) in quantum control theory are reviewed. In the area of open-loop quantum control, the paper surveys the notion of controllability for quantum systems and presents several control design strategies including optimal control, Lyapunov-based methodologies, variable structure control and quantum incoherent control. In the area of closed-loop quantum control, this study reviews closed-loop learning control and several important issues related to quantum feedback control including quantum filtering, feedback stabilisation, linear-quadratic-Gaussian control and robust quantum control.

Inspec keywords: optimal control; control system synthesis; variable structure systems; discrete systems; closed loop systems; feedback; Lyapunov methods; controllability; linear quadratic Gaussian control; open loop systems

Other keywords: quantum feedback control; quantum incoherent control; control systems; quantum control theory; closed-loop control; controllability; optimal control; quantum filtering; feedback stabilisation; control design; Lyapunov based methodologies; open-loop control; variable structure control; robust quantum control; linear-quadratic-Gaussian control

Subjects: Control system analysis and synthesis methods; Multivariable control systems; Optimal control; Stability in control theory; Discrete control systems

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